
Homeless Ministry 2023 Event Survey

How satisfied were you with the event?*

How satisfied were you with the event?*

What did you like most about the event?*

What did you like most about the event?*

How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?*

How likely is it that you would recommend the event to a friend or colleague?*

What did you like least about the event?*

What did you like least about the event?*

How organized was the event?*

How organized was the event?*

How friendly was the organizer (co-ordinator)?*

How friendly was the organizer (co-ordinator)?*

How helpful was the organizer (co-ordinator)?

How helpful was the organizer (co-ordinator)?

Why did you choose to attend the event and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?*

Why did you choose to attend the event and what are you hoping to take away from the experience?*

Did you have any issues registering for or attending this ministry event?*

Did you have any issues registering for or attending this ministry event?*

What kind of activity/event would you like to see more of?*

What kind of activity/event would you like to see more of?*

How did you feel about the duration of the event?*

How did you feel about the duration of the event?*

Do you think the event met its goals*

Do you think the event met its goals*

What impact do you see this ministry event having on your immediate life goals?*

What impact do you see this ministry event having on your immediate life goals?*

Do you have any other suggestions or feedback you would like to share?*

Do you have any other suggestions or feedback you would like to share?*

Fund Raised 2023 – Nasi Campur

This survey has expired!

Minggu, 8 Juli 2018

Langkah 1: Membaca di hadirat Yesus  –  Galatia 5:16-18, 25

Langkah 2: Merenungkan bersama Yesus

  1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan berjalan dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus?
  2. Bagaimana kita mengetahui bahwa hidup kita sedang dipimpin kita oleh Roh Kudus?

Langkah 3: Mendengarkan Yesus

Langkah 4: Mentaati Yesus

Sabtu, 7 Juli 2018

Langkah 1: Membaca di hadirat Yesus  –   Mat 27:27-31; Mrk 15:16-20

Langkah 2: Merenungkan bersama Yesus

  1. Pernahkah kita berpikir berapa harga yang Yesus bayar untuk menebus kita?
  2. Apakah kita menghargai pengorbanan Yesus? Mengapa?
  3. Bagaimanakah caranya menghargai pengorbanan Yesus?

Langkah 3: Mendengarkan Yesus
Langkah 4: Mentaati Yesus